
Showing posts from November, 2018

Why do open societies need Occupy Movements?

Update 10/9/2018: Started writing this blog several years back during the peak of Occupy movements but could not complete. But several events in the last couple of months prompted me to start modifying the content and work towards completing this... For people across countries and societies freedom to exercise rights and contribute towards the betterment of the society is not at the same level. We have witnessed several occupy movements across the world over the past several years. Some peaceful, some violent, some deadly & beyond control and some are still in progress and don’t have an end in sight. Each of them began with a reason that is personal to the people living in those societies. I cannot even fathom or pretend that I completely understand the problems and/or reasons. It will be an insult to those people and societies if someone outside thinks otherwise. And most of these occupy movements happened in developing or underdeveloped countries. Suddenly things began to c...