
Showing posts from April, 2012

Why are Great Leaders a Scarcity?

Comparison between leaders in the industry and leaders from different generations are not unusual in various professions.  In these comparisons we see how leaders from certain generations are revered for their leadership skills. However, the question arises, how many current leaders do you see in your list? If there are not that many, does that really mean that the current generation of leaders, for the most part are not on par, or is it something else? Here is my take: The context of Leadership changed over the decades, as has the context in which we are measuring it. According to the MIT Leadership Center "the history of leadership theory started with an emphasis on traits -- the notion that it is the make-up of the leader that makes all the difference." We all try to understand what makes a great leader and what leadership is, but the concept remains amorphous. Traits alone do not always predict the effectiv